Thursday, January 30, 2020

Life Lately | January

After ~6 months of a bare bones approach to blogging, I'm re-instituting the monthly roundups. They're what I miss most about the blogging style I used to have, and even if nothing else gets published on this blog this year, the monthly posts are back.

2020 started with a nearly perfect clean slate. I ended my previous job on December 31st and entered the new year with a few days of "funemployment," mostly spent ticking off a few more D.C. bucket list items (the nearby Mount Vernon and a day trip to Richmond). I started my new job the first Monday of the year and am now in my fourth week of work. So far the change has been welcome; a bigger workplace with more resources and a significantly shorter commute means more flexible working hours, a better work-from-home policy, and best of all, no phone lines.

I've managed to squeeze some good travel into the first month of 2020, a trend I hope to continue. I flew down to Atlanta to visit family for a weekend and spent MLK weekend in Raleigh for an old friend's wedding (which doubled as a chance to catch up with many other old friends). 

I get overexcited about the start of a new year, and I already have ambitious goals for the year. No guarantees as to if they'll happen, but January was a good start to the year and I'm hopeful about what's to come.
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