Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Slow Traveling Through NYC

February 16-18, 2019

Third time may be the charm, but fourth time is the familiar. A friend and I went up to New York City for the long holiday weekend, and between my several previous trips and the mere seven months since my last visit, arriving felt less like the excitement of somewhere new and more like ahhh it's you again

As this was a re-visit for both of us, we took the city slowly. We stayed on the Upper West Side, two blocks from Central Park, and primarily ate at the little local restaurants along the streets near us rather than searching out the best and brightest or the chains of the city. We saw some of the sites -- Chicago on Broadway, Macy's on 34th, the Oculus, the High Line, the Brooklyn Bridge, the 9/11 memorial -- but we spent most of our time walking the streets and the parks, intermittently stopping for coffee (Box Kite on W 72nd is the best) and food (UWS = lots of smoked salmon and Jewish bakeries) and the occasional shop. 

I'm far from effortlessly fitting in with native New Yorkers, but each visit gives me a greater directional knowledge and appreciation for the city, and with DC so close, it's inevitable that I'll visit again and again.
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