It's amusing to me, reading through previous years' end-of-year posts, that I often bemoaned the swiftness of time passing and that we'd reached the end of yet another year. This year was the longest year of my life. The weeks passed quickly, yet so much happened that it amazes me that it has only been 12 months and not several years since the last time I sat down to write a similar post.
I'm closing out my second year in D.C. While the city is frustrating and the traffic is terrible, I'm still in love with it and the people who live here, and I can't imagine leaving anytime soon. It was a good year but a hard year, with plenty of experiences that pushed me out of my comfort zone and into growth:
I spoke in front of 750 people at a work conference. I finished out year two of my job, and in a week(!!) I'll be changing jobs to a new role in a new organization.
I started dating one of my best friends.
I put into place some routines that have majorly improved my home, both in cleanliness and in peace of mind.
I realized that though I love the city life, the city life does not always love me, and made a point to spend more time outdoors, cultivate more silence, and cut out activities that were needlessly draining.
I completely decluttered my apartment and my digital life. I archived most of this blog and my instagram account, only keeping up the bare minimum for a time. This year I held back from publishing online and switched to more journaling on paper, reading longer books, and discussing topics with friends in real life rather than on the internet.
As usual, I prioritized spending money on experiences. I saw a few favorite bands again (Aurora, Kelly Clarkson, needtobreathe, and Cold War Kids), a few bands I've waited years to see (Muse, Haelos, Bon Iver, and Mumford & Sons), and a few musicians that have been hanging around my might-see list (Hugh Jackman, Catfish & the Bottlemen, and Feist). I saw Cal Newport, Tan France, and Matthew Gray Gubler on each of their book tours. I traveled a fair amount too, though never off the East Coast: Boston, Emerald Isle, Staunton, Massanutten, and Leesburg, as well as repeat trips to NYC, Harpers Ferry, Shenandoah National Park, Williamsburg, and Raleigh.
I rarely strayed more than a few hours from D.C. and used the bulk of my vacation days to visit friends and family. And even while there was less "out there" exploring than usual, I don't feel like my year lacked anything for it. Community in life is so key, and maintaining it across long distances is a gift.
2019 brings a decade full of self-discovery to a close. Here's to hoping 2020 begins a decade of a little less introspection and a little more getting-things-done.
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