Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Three Weeks in DC



Three weeks in the DC area, petsitting. The third trip I’ve made there since moving away five months ago.

I’ve petsat for this friend many times, and it felt like a return to a familiar way of living. I spent the three weeks hanging out with friends, slipping into old routines and spaces, watching British baking shows, ticking boxes off my half-marathon training schedule, and talking to a cat who likes to talk back.

Returning was bittersweet. I didn’t leave DC because I don’t like DC anymore; other priorities became more important. And I’ve lived in Raleigh for a few months now but haven’t fully settled in yet. To return somewhere that I genuinely love, where I feel comfortable and where most of my friends are, was soul-filling and also a bit of a rough reminder that Raleigh isn’t quite home again yet.

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