Friday, December 27, 2019

2019 | Goals Recap

Goals recap // 

Cultivate a deeper faith - DONE
  • Read through the Bible chronologically
  • Regularly use and update prayer journal
  • Regularly journal about sermons and seasons of life to reflect on how the Lord is working in my life

Dedicate Sundays as Sabbaths / phone-free days - Somewhat done. While I did get better at leaving Sundays more plan-free, I did not successfully implement as much of a weekly technology-free, slow moving break as I had hoped.
  • Use an app blocker on phone to disable all apps except calls and texts on Sundays
  • Schedule out cleaning tasks + errands + meal prep throughout week so I don't have to do any housework on Sundays
  • Plan certain slow, screen-free activities (take a walk with a friend, read a book) for Sunday afternoons

Build financial margin + be a more conscious consumer - Somewhat done. Overall, I was more aware of financial management, but I did not succeed in cultivating true financial margin.
  • Complete the Contentment Challenge
  • Stick to my shopping list when out
  • Stop scrolling through online stores
  • Start buying at least some produce at local farmers market
  • Look into replacing household consumables from small local shops + sellers on Etsy

Overcome irrational fears - DONE, but not in how I outlined at the beginning of the year. I've gotten more used to driving in D.C. and have dug deeper into fears I have (like public speaking and teaching classes) and how to overcome them, but did not attend any networking events outside of work conferences, nor took any skills courses.
  • Drive more in D.C.
  • Attend 3-4 networking events
  • Take a skills course in something I'm not naturally gifted in

Maintain personal health - Mostly done. I fell off the exercise wagon once the cold weather kicked in, but I've kept up with the rest.
  • Run 1x/week + yoga/pilates 2x/week
  • Drink less caffeine
  • Prioritize getting 7.5-9 hours of sleep every night
  • Continue being quasi-vegetarian

Evaluate possessions continually + create "life-giving" home - DONE
  • Do a quarterly declutter of all my belongings + get rid of anything unused
  • Get rid of things that add stress

Develop screen-free hobbies - DONE. Turns out I'm not a hand-craft kind of person, but I do enjoy baking and cooking, which are hands-on, screen-free activities.
  • Prioritize reading books I'm interested in over trendy reads
  • Journal regularly (in addition to journaling note above)
  • Find some sort of hand-craft / something? to take up

Practice more sustainable habits - Somewhat done. I leaned more into the "support local businesses" movement, but didn't make any greater strides into low/sustainable waste.
  • Use reusable mesh produce bags when grocery shopping
  • Try bulk shopping for frequently used non-perishables
  • Shop at local farmers market
  • Continue all things from previous years (reusable coffee cups, reusable shopping bags, unscented cleaning supplies, etc)

Get out into nature more - DONE
  • Find more local trails + parks
  • Plan out one new hike a month

Cook more + develop more cooking skills - DONE. I didn't make a hard copy recipe book, but I better organized my online recipe collection.
  • Choose specific "goal" dishes to master
  • Perfect certain dishes that I make frequently
  • Create recipe book for dishes I make frequently

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